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But that does not stop me from still loving Discord and Grogar as a whole. The two main topics covered were My Little Pony's enormous fan base and what helped to push the making of the Bronies documentary, and how de Lancie's character. Honestly I didn't even know Tabitha St. Discord, voiced by John de Lancie, is a draconequus, symbolizing chaos and mischief in the magical land of Equestria. air filter f250 He is also a trickster and h e can take out his enemies with just one snap of his claws. Discord x Queen Chrysalis: Again, same reason as Tirek and Sombra. Panels from:Everfree Northwest 2013Bronycon 2013Galacon 2013BronyCAN 2013Nightmare Nights 2014Panels can be found at Everfree Network and Ponyville Live See image of John de Lancie, the voice of Discord in My Little Pony: Twilight’s Kingdom (Video Game). Artist Shops; Commissions Forum; More Guidelines. demature lingerie images Imagine for a minute, that you're at a Con or something, and you see one of the voice actors having some downtime, and you see them on FIMFiction reading a fanfic. Much of Cheese Sandwich's personality and appearance is based on his English voice performer. Tags similar to voice-acting. 926 characters have appeared in only a single title. In the interview LatinoChurro linked (which I listened to many months ago), I believe she explained that she had difficulty keeping AJ's voice at a higher register -- especially during musical numbers. There are 1189 actors who have voiced 1077 characters in the My Little Pony franchise on BTVA Voice Actors: 1189 Characters: 1077 Voice Compares: 27 Titles: 19 Shows, 17 Movies, 6 Games, 6 Shorts A while ago Discord showed Smash the vision in which Applejack and Rainbow Dash became a couple, because it fit their voice actor. weather forecast chelsea mi is the voice actor it is rather hard for her to keep up the pinkie pie voice as it is a high pitch and fast talking speed. ….

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